A typical Fresnel Lens is made up of many small narrow concentric rings. Theoretically speaking, each ring can be considered as an individual small lens that bends the light path.

AWI Industries Fresnel Definition

In fact, the curvature in each ring is approximated by a flat surface so that each ring behaves like an individual wedge prism:

AWI Industries Fresnel Definition

The advantage of using a Fresnel lens is its compact size compared with a conventional lens. Common usage includes overhead projectors, pocket-size magnifiers and motion detectors. The word "Fresnel" comes from the person who first used this design to construct lighthouse lenses, Augustin-Jean Fresnel, in 1820. The idea of dividing a lens surface into concentric rings in order to reduce weight and size, however, can be dated back to 1748 by Georges-Louis Leclerc.

Fresnel Lenses can be made from plastic or glass. There are also different design variations such as Positive Fresnel Lens, Negative Fresnel Lens, Cylindrical Fresnel Lens, Fresnel Lens Array, Linear Fresnel Lens, Lenticular Lens and Fresnel Prism.

AWI Industries Fresnel Lens Array AWI Industries Glass Fresnel Lens
AWI Industries Glass Fresnel Lens AWI Industries Fresnel Lens
AWI Industries Small Fresnel Lens AWI Industries Fresnel Lens
AWI Industries Motion Detector Fresnel Lens

The following table lists the standard Fresnel lenses that AWI supplies. Custom-made Fresnel lenses are also available. Fresnel lenses can also be cut to specific sizes as requested.

Part Number Material Focal Length Pitch Diameter Thickness Size
    mm in mm in mm in mm in mm in
E10378-03-0.1 Acrylic 3 0.118 0.1 0.0039 15 0.591 2 0.079 15 X 15 0.591x0.591
E10378-04-0.1 Acrylic 4 0.157 0.1 0.0039 20 0.787 2 0.079 20 X 20 0.787x0.787
E10378-05-0.1 Acrylic 5 0.197 0.1 0.0039 25 0.984 2 0.079 25 X 25 0.984x0.984
E10378-06-0.1 Acrylic 6 0.236 0.1 0.0039 30 1.181 2 0.079 30 X 30 1.181x1.181
E10378-07-0.1 Acrylic 7 0.276 0.1 0.0039 35 1.378 2 0.079 35 X 35 1.378x1.378
E10378-08-0.1 Acrylic 8 0.315 0.1 0.0039 40 1.575 2 0.079 40 X 40 1.575x1.575
E10378-09-0.1 Acrylic 9 0.354 0.1 0.0039 45 1.772 2 0.079 45 X 45 1.772x1.772
E10378-10-0.05 Acrylic 10 0.394 0.05 0.002 50 1.969 2 0.079 50 X 50 1.969x1.969
E10378-10-0.1 Acrylic 10 0.394 0.1 0.0039 50 1.969 2 0.079 50 X 50 1.969x1.969
E10378-10-0.2 Acrylic 10 0.394 0.2 0.0079 40 1.575 2 0.079 40 X 40 1.575x1.575
E10378-11-0.1 Acrylic 11 0.433 0.1 0.0039 55 2.165 2 0.079 55 X 55 2.165x2.165
E10378-12-0.1 Acrylic 12 0.472 0.1 0.0039 60 2.362 2 0.079 60 X 60 2.362x2.362
E10378-13-0.1 Acrylic 13 0.512 0.1 0.0039 65 2.559 2 0.079 65 X 65 2.559x2.559
E10378-14-0.1 Acrylic 14 0.551 0.1 0.0039 70 2.756 2 0.079 70 X 70 2.756x2.756
E10378-15-0.1 Acrylic 15 0.591 0.1 0.0039 75 2.953 2 0.079 75 X 75 2.953x2.953
E10378-20-0.05 Acrylic 20 0.787 0.05 0.002 100 3.937 2 0.079 100 X 100 3.937x3.937
E10378-20-0.1 Acrylic 20 0.787 0.1 0.0039 100 3.937 2 0.079 100 X 100 3.937x3.937
E10378-20-0.5 Acrylic 20 0.787 0.5 0.0197 100 3.937 2 0.079 100 X 100 3.937x3.937
E10378-25-0.2 Acrylic 25 0.984 0.2 0.0079 125 4.921 2 0.079 125 X 125 4.921x4.921
E10378-30-0.05 Acrylic 30 1.181 0.05 0.002 150 5.906 2 0.079 150 X 150 5.906x5.906
E10378-30-0.2 Acrylic 30 1.181 0.2 0.0079 150 5.906 2 0.079 150 X 150 5.906x5.906
E10378-30-0.5 Acrylic 30 1.181 0.5 0.0197 100 3.937 2 0.079 100 X 100 3.937x3.937
E10378-35-0.25 Acrylic 35 1.378 0.25 0.0098 175 6.89 2 0.079 175 X 175 6.890x6.890
E10378-35-0.5 Acrylic 35 1.378 0.5 0.0197 110 4.331 2 0.079 110 X 110 4.331x4.331
E10378-40-0.25 Acrylic 40 1.575 0.25 0.0098 200 7.874 2 0.079 200 X 200 7.874x7.874
E10378-40-0.5 Acrylic 40 1.575 0.5 0.0197 100 3.937 2 0.079 100 X 100 3.937x3.937
E10378-45-0.25 Acrylic 45 1.772 0.25 0.0098 225 8.858 2 0.079 225 X 225 8.858x8.858
E10378-45-0.3 Acrylic 45 1.772 0.3 0.0118 110 4.331 2 0.079 110 X 110 4.331x4.331
E10378-50-0.3 Acrylic 50 1.969 0.3 0.0118 250 9.843 2 0.079 250 X 250 9.843x9.843
E10378-50-0.5 Acrylic 50 1.969 0.5 0.0197 100 3.937 2 0.079 100 X 100 3.937x3.937
E10378-60-0.05 Acrylic 60 2.362 0.05 0.002 0 5.906 2 0.079 150 X 150 5.906x5.906
E10378-60-0.5 Acrylic 60 2.362 0.5 0.0197 120 4.724 2 0.079 120 X 120 4.724x4.724
E10378-70 Acrylic 70 2.756 0.5 0.0197 140 5.512 2 0.079 140 X 140 5.512x5.512
E10378-80 Acrylic 80 3.15 0.5 0.0197 160 6.299 2 0.079 160 X 160 6.299x6.299
E10378-90 Acrylic 90 3.543 0.5 0.0197 180 7.087 2 0.079 180 X 180 7.087x7.087
E10378-100 Acrylic 100 3.937 0.5 0.0197 200 7.874 2 0.079 200 X 200 7.874x7.874
E10378-110 Acrylic 110 4.331 0.5 0.0197 220 8.661 2 0.079 220 X 220 8.661x8.661
E10378-120 Acrylic 120 4.724 0.5 0.0197 240 9.449 2 0.079 240 X 240 9.449x9.449
E10378-130 Acrylic 130 5.118 0.5 0.0197 260 10.236 2 0.079 260 X 260 10.236x10.236
E10378-140 Acrylic 140 5.512 0.5 0.0197 280 11.024 2 0.079 280 X 280 11.024x11.024
E10378-150 Acrylic 150 5.906 0.5 0.0197 300 11.811 2 0.079 300 X 300 11.811x11.811
E10378-158 Acrylic 158 6.22 0.5 0.0197 200 7.874 2 0.079 200 X 200 7.874x7.874
E10378-160 Acrylic 160 6.299 0.5 0.0197 320 12.598 2 0.079 320 X 320 12.598x12.598
E10378-170 Acrylic 170 6.693 0.5 0.0197 340 13.386 2 0.079 340 X 340 13.386x13.386
E10378-175 Acrylic 175 6.89 0.5 0.0197 300 11.811 2 0.079 300 X 300 11.811x11.811
E10378-180 Acrylic 180 7.087 0.5 0.0197 360 14.173 2 0.079 360 X 360 14.173x14.173
E10378-190 Acrylic 190 7.48 0.5 0.0197 380 14.961 2 0.079 380 X 380 14.961x14.961
E10378-200 Acrylic 200 7.874 0.5 0.0197 400 15.748 2 0.079 400 X 400 15.748x15.748
E10378-225 Acrylic 225 8.858 0.5 0.0197 400 15.748 2 0.079 400 X 400 15.748x15.748
E10378-250 Acrylic 250 9.843 0.5 0.0197 500 19.685 2 0.079 500 X 500 19.685x19.685
E10378-275 Acrylic 275 10.827 0.5 0.0197 400 15.748 2 0.079 400 X 400 15.748x15.748
E10378-300 Acrylic 300 11.811 0.5 0.0197 300 11.811 2 0.079 300 X 300 11.811x11.811
E10378-325 Acrylic 325 12.795 0.5 0.0197 400 12.795 2 0.079 400 X 400 15.748x15.748
E10378-350 Acrylic 350 13.78 0.5 0.0197 350 13.78 2 0.079 350 X 350 13.780x13.780
E10378-370 Acrylic 370 14.567 0.5 0.0197 360 14.173 2 0.079 360 X 360 14.173x14.173
E10378-400-0.3 Acrylic 400 15.748 0.3 0.0118 673 2.657 2 0.079 450 X 500 17.717x19.685
E10378-400-0.5 Acrylic 400 15.748 0.5 0.0197 400 15.748 2 0.079 400 X 400 15.748x15.748
E10378-500 Acrylic 500 19.685 0.5 0.0197 500 19.685 2 0.079 500 X 500 19.685x19.685
E10378-600-0.3 Acrylic 600 23.622 0.3 0.0118 710 27.953 2 0.079 600 X 600 23.622x23.622
E10378-600-0.3-3T Acrylic 600 23.622 0.3 0.0118 710 27.953 3 0.118 600 X 600 23.622x23.622
E10378-600-0.3M Acrylic 600 23.622 0.3 0.0118 583 22.953 2 0.079 500 X 300 19.685x11.811
E10378-600-0.3M-3T Acrylic 600 23.622 0.3 0.0118 583 22.953 3 0.118 500 X 300 19.685x11.811
E10378-600-0.5 Acrylic 600 23.622 0.5 0.0197 600 23.622 2 0.079 600 X 600 23.622x23.622
E10378-600-0.5-3T Acrylic 600 23.622 0.5 0.0197 600 23.622 3 0.118 600 X 600 23.622x23.622
E10378-600-0.5M Acrylic 600 23.622 0.5 0.0197 583 22.953 2 0.079 500 X 300 19.685x11.811
E10378-600-0.5M-3T Acrylic 600 23.622 0.5 0.0197 583 22.953 3 0.118 500 X 300 19.685x11.811
E10378-650 Acrylic 650 25.591 0.5 0.0197 460 18.11 2 0.079 350 X 300 13.780x11.811
E10378-700-0.3 Acrylic 700 27.559 0.3 0.0118 640 25.197 2 0.079 500 X 400 19.685x15.748
E10378-700-0.5 Acrylic 700 27.559 0.5 0.0197 640 25.197 2 0.079 500 X 400 19.685x15.748
E10378-800 Acrylic 800 31.496 0.3 0.0197 851 33.504 2 0.079 650 X 550 25.591x21.654
E10378-800-3T Acrylic 800 31.496 0.3 0.0197 851 33.504 3 0.118 650 X 550 25.591x21.654
E10378-800M Acrylic 800 31.496 0.3 0.0197 583 22.953 2 0.079 500 X 300 19.685x11.811
E10378-800M-3T Acrylic 800 31.496 0.3 0.0197 583 22.953 3 0.118 500 X 300 19.685x11.811
E10378-1000-M Acrylic 1000 39.37 0.11 0.0044 708 27.874 2 0.079 500 X 500 19.685x19.685
E10378-1000 Acrylic 1000 39.37 0.11 0.0044 1261 49.646 2 0.079 1050 X 700 27.559X41.34
E10378-1200-S Acrylic 1200 47.244 0.11 0.0044 425 16.732 3 0.118 300 X 300 11.811x11.811
E10378-1200-M Acrylic 1200 47.244 0.11 0.0044 708 27.874 3 0.118 500 X 500 19.685x19.685
E10378-1200 Acrylic 1200 47.244 0.11 0.0118 1750 68.898 3 0.118 1400 X 1050 55.119x41.339
E10378-CFE10 HDPT 10 0.394 0.25 0.0098 -   0.5 0.02 30 X 30 1.181x1.181

Part Number Material Focal Length Pitch Diameter Thickness Size
    mm in mm in mm in mm in mm in
E10378-5 CC Acrylic -5 -0.197 0.1 0.0039 25 0.984 2 0.079 25 X 25 0.984x0.984
E10378-10 CC Acrylic -10 -0.394 0.1 0.0039 50 1.969 2 0.079 50 X 50 1.969x1.969
E10378-20 CC Acrylic -20 -0.787 0.1 0.0039 100 3.937 2 0.079 100 X 100 3.937x3.937
E10378-50 CC Acrylic -50 -1.969 0.1 0.0039 120 4.724 2 0.079 100 X 100 3.937x3.937
E10378-100 CC Acrylic -100 -3.937 0.3 0.0118 150 5.906 2 0.079 100 X 100 3.937x3.937
E10378-300 CC Acrylic -300 -11.81 0.5 0.0197 280 11.024 2 0.079 280 X 280 11.024x11.024

Part Number Material Focal Length Pitch Thickness Size
mm in mm in mm in mm in
E10379-3 Acrylic 3 0.118 0.1 0.004 2 0.0787 6 X 100 0.236x3.937
E10379-4 Acrylic 4 0.157 0.1 0.004 2 0.0787 8 X 100 0.315x3.937
E10379-5 Acrylic 5 0.197 0.1 0.004 2 0.0787 10 X 100 0.394x3.937
E10379-6 Acrylic 6 0.236 0.1 0.004 2 0.0787 12 X 100 0.472x3.937
E10379-7-0.1 Acrylic 7 0.276 0.1 0.004 2 0.0787 14 X 100 0.551x3.937
E10379-7-0.3 Acrylic 7 0.276 0.3 0.012 2 0.0787 70 X 140 2.756x5.512
E10379-7-0.05S Acrylic 7 0.276 0.05 0.002 2 0.0787 35 X 300 1.378x11.811
E10379-7-0.05L Acrylic 7 0.276 0.05 0.002 2 0.0787 35 X 650 1.378x25.590
E10379-8 Acrylic 8 0.315 0.1 0.004 2 0.0787 16 X 100 0.630x3.937
E10379-9 Acrylic 9 0.354 0.1 0.004 2 0.0787 18 X 100 0.709x3.937
E10379-10 Acrylic 10 0.394 0.1 0.004 2 0.0787 20 X 100 0.787x3.937
E10379-15 Acrylic 15 0.591 0.3 0.012 2 0.0787 45 X 450 1.772x17.717
E10379-20 Acrylic 20 0.787 0.3 0.012 2 0.0787 60 X 450 2.362x17.717
E10379-25 Acrylic 25 0.984 0.3 0.012 2 0.0787 75 X 450 2.953x17.717
E10379-30-0.2 Acrylic 30 1.181 0.2 0.008 2 0.0787 20 X 280 0.787x11.024
E10379-30-0.3 Acrylic 30 1.181 0.3 0.012 2 0.0787 30 X 100 1.181x3.937
E10379-40 Acrylic 40 1.575 0.5 0.02 2 0.0787 22 X 90 0.866x3.543
E10379-45 Acrylic 45 1.772 0.2 0.008 2 0.0787 50 X 120 1.969x4.724
E10379-50-30 Acrylic 50 1.969 0.3 0.012 2 0.0787 30 X 100 1.181x3.937
E10379-50-50 Acrylic 50 1.969 0.3 0.012 2 0.0787 50 X 250 1.969x9.843
E10379-95 Acrylic 95 3.74 0.5 0.02 2 0.0787 50 X 200 1.969x7.874
E10379-100-30S Acrylic 100 3.937 0.3 0.012 2 0.0787 30 X 100 1.181x3.937
E10379-120 Acrylic 120 4.724 0.3 0.012 2 0.0787 40 X 500 3.937x19.685
E10379-150 Acrylic 150 5.906 0.3 0.012 2 0.0787 100 X 300 3.937x11.811
E10379-(-10)-0.3 Acrylic -10 -0.394 0.3 0.012 2 0.0787 20 X 110 0.787x4.331

Part Number Material Radius Pitch Thickness Size
mm in mm in mm in mm in
E10380-0015-002 Acrylic 0.02 0.0008 0.015 0.0006 2 0.0787 300 X 300 11.811x11.811
E10380-0030-004 Acrylic 0.04 0.0016 0.03 0.0012 2 0.0787 300 X 300 11.811x11.811
E10380-0050-007 Acrylic 0.07 0.0028 0.05 0.0020 2 0.0787 300 X 300 11.811x11.811
E10380-0080-012 Acrylic 0.12 0.0047 0.08 0.0031 2 0.0787 300 X 300 11.811x11.811
E10380-0100-005S Acrylic 0.05 0.0020 0.1 0.0039 2 0.0787 300 X 50 11.811x1.969
E10380-0100-005 Acrylic 0.05 0.0020 0.1 0.0039 2 0.0787 300 X 500 11.811x19.685
E10380-0150-008S Acrylic 0.08 0.0031 0.15 0.0059 2 0.0787 300 X 50 11.811x1.969
E10380-0150-008 Acrylic 0.08 0.0031 0.15 0.0059 2 0.0787 300 X 500 11.811x19.685
E10380-02-150 Acrylic 1.5 0.0591 0.2 0.0079 2 0.0787 100x100 3.937x3.937
E10380-02-050 Acrylic 0.5 0.0197 0.2 0.0079 2 0.0787 200x200 7.874x7.874
E10380-03-05 Acrylic 0.5 0.0197 0.3 0.0118 2 0.0787 200x200 7.874x7.874
E10380-05-05 Acrylic 0.5 0.0197 0.5 0.0197 2 0.0787 200x200 7.874x7.874
E10380-07-05 Acrylic 0.5 0.0197 0.7 0.0276 2 0.0787 200x200 7.874x7.874
E10380-07-05XL Acrylic 0.5 0.0197 0.7 0.0276 3 0.1181 1400x1050 55.118x41.339

Part Number Material Inclination Angle Pitch Thickness Size
degree mm in mm in mm in
E10381-03-15 Acrylic 15 0.3 0.0118 2 0.0787 300 X 300 11.811x11.811
E10381-09-15 Acrylic 15 0.9 0.0354 2 0.0787 80x110 3.150x4.331
E10381-30-23 Acrylic 23 3 0.1181 2 0.0787 80x110 3.150x4.331
E10381-03-25 Acrylic 25 0.3 0.0118 2 0.0787 300 X 300 11.811x11.811
E10381-09-25 Acrylic 25 0.9 0.0354 2 0.0787 80x110 3.150x4.331
E10381-03-30 Acrylic 30 0.3 0.0118 2 0.0787 300 X 300 11.811x11.811
E10381-09-30 Acrylic 30 0.9 0.0354 2 0.0787 80x110 3.150x4.331
E10381-03-40 Acrylic 40 0.3 0.0118 2 0.0787 300 X 300 11.811x11.811
E10381-09-40 Acrylic 40 0.9 0.0354 2 0.0787 80x110 3.150x4.331


Part Number Material Apex Angle Pitch Thickness Size
degree mm in mm in mm in
E18979-005-40 Acrylic 40 0.05 0.0020 2 0.0787 300 X 300 11.811x11.811
E18979-010-45 Acrylic 45 0.1 0.0039 2 0.0787 300 X 300 11.811x11.811
E18979-010-60 Acrylic 60 0.1 0.0039 2 0.0787 300 X 300 11.811x11.811
E18979-010-65 Acrylic 65 0.1 0.0039 2 0.0787 300 X 300 11.811x11.811
E18979-020-70 Acrylic 70 0.2 0.0079 2 0.0787 300 X 300 11.811x11.811
E18979-020-75 Acrylic 75 0.2 0.0079 2 0.0787 300 X 300 11.811x11.811
E18979-050-75 Acrylic 75 0.5 0.0197 2 0.0787 200 X 200 7.874x7.874
E18979-001S-90 Acrylic 90 0.01 0.0004 2 0.0787 300 X 50 11.811x1.969
E18979-001-90 Acrylic 90 0.01 0.0004 2 0.0787 300 X 500 11.811x19.685
E18979-005-90 Acrylic 90 0.05 0.002 2 0.0787 200x200 7.874x7.874
E18979-010-90 Acrylic 90 0.1 0.0039 2 0.0787 200x200 7.874x7.874
E18979-100-90 Acrylic 90 1 0.0394 2 0.0787 200x200 7.874x7.874
E18979-150-90 Acrylic 90 1.5 0.0591 2 0.0787 200x200 7.874x7.874
E18979-001S-130 Acrylic 130 0.01 0.0004 2 0.0787 300 X 50 11.811x1.969
E18979-001-130 Acrylic 130 0.01 0.0004 2 0.0787 300 X 500 11.811x19.685
E18979-001S-140 Acrylic 140 0.01 0.0004 2 0.0787 300 X 50 11.811x1.969
E18979-001-140 Acrylic 140 0.01 0.0004 2 0.0787 300 X 500 11.811x19.685
E18979-001S-160 Acrylic 160 0.01 0.0004 2 0.0787 300 X 50 11.811x1.969
E18979-001-160 Acrylic 160 0.01 0.0004 2 0.0787 300 X 500 11.811x19.685



AWI Industries (USA) Inc. supplies a series of specially designed Solar Energy Collector Fresnel lenses. The difference between a Solar Energy Collector fresnel lens and a standard Fresnel lens is that the Plano side (smooth side) of all Solar Energy Collector Fresnel lenses is facing the sun. Apart from standard Fresnel lenses, AWI Industries (USA) Inc. also supplies Fresnel lenses made to customers' designs with reasonable custom tooling charges.

Below are some standard Fresnel Lenses for Solar Engery Collection Applications

Part Number Fresnel Type Focal Length (mm) Grove Pitch (mm) Aperture (mm) Material Thickness(mm) Size (mm)
E16681-1 Circular Fresnel 50 0.3 100 Acrylic  2 100X100
E16681-2 Circular Fresnel 400 0.3 673 Acrylic  2 450X500
E16681-3 Circular Fresnel 1200 0.33 1900 Acrylic  2 1400X1050
E16681-4 Circular Fresnel 1200 0.33 1900 Acrylic  3 1400X1050
E16681-5 Linear Fresnel 150 0.3 150X500 Acrylic  2 150X500
E16681-6 Linear Fresnel 1000 0.3 500X500 Acrylic  3 500X500
E16681-7 Linear Fresnel 200 0.3 200X500 Acrylic  2 200X500
E16681-8 Linear Fresnel 500 0.3 500x500 Acrylic  3 500x500
E16681-9 Circular Fresnel 300 0.3 425 Acrylic  2 300X300
E16681-10 Circular Fresnel 600 0.5 600 Acrylic  2 400X400
E16681-11 Circular Fresnel 150 0.5 283 Acrylic  2 200X200
E16681-12 Circular Fresnel 200 0.3 354 Acrylic  2 250X250
E16681-13 Circular Fresnel 3500 0.33 1900 Acrylic  2 1400X1050
E16681-14 Circular Fresnel 5 0.1 25 Acrylic  2 25X25
E16681-15 Circular Fresnel 10 0.1 50 Acrylic  2 50X50
E16681-16 Circular Fresnel 15 0.1 75 Acrylic  2 75X75

Focal length tolerence +/- 5%
Thickness tolerence +/- 0.5mm

Glass Fresnel lenses-
AWI Industries (USA) Inc's standard glass Fresnel lenses are made of borosilicate glass material to provide better mechanical strength and resistance to thermal shock. These glass Fresnel lenses are widely used in the theatre lighting, architectural lighting, movies lighting, signal lighting as well as other industrial lighting applications.

Short focal length glass Fresnel lenses
AWI P/N Diameter (mm) Focal Length (mm) Half beam angle Remarks
    Spot Flood min Flood  
E18770-80 80 40 14 60° Annealed
E18770-80T 80 40 14 60° Tempered
E18770-112 112 55 20 60° Annealed
E18770-112T 112 55 20 60° Tempered
E18770-120 120 80 32 60° Annealed
E18770-120T 120 80 32 60° Tempered
E18770-130 130 70 27 60° Annealed
E18770-130T 130 70 27 60° Tempered
E18770-150 150 80 30 60° Annealed
E18770-150T 150 80 30 60° Tempered
E18770-175 175 85 32 60° Annealed
E18770-175T 175 85 32 60° Tempered
E18770-200 200 100 40 60° Annealed
E18770-200T 200 100 40 60° Tempered
E18770-250 250 120 45 60° Annealed
E18770-250T 250 120 45 60° Tempered
E18770-300 300 150 60 60° Annealed
E18770-300T 300 150 60 60° Tempered
E18770-350 350 180 75 60° Annealed
E18770-350T 350 180 75 60° Tempered
E18770-450 450 235 100 60° Annealed
E18770-450T 450 235 100 60° Tempered
E18770-625 625 270 120 60° Annealed
E18770-625T 625 270 120 60° Tempered

1. Maximum temperature in the center of the annealed Fresnel lens 450°C
2. Maximum temperature in the center of the tempered Fresnel lens 330°C
3. We recommend using annealed Fresnel lenses at temperatures >  330°C

Aspherics Ball Lens Binoculars CCD Corner Cube Lens Cylindrical Lens Fresnel Lens Lens Assembly Micro Lens Optical Filter Plastic Lens Prism Reflector Rod Lens Special Lens

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A.W.I. Industries (USA) Inc
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OPTICS - Fresnel Lens